The T1D Index reveals the global scope and impact of type 1 diabetes
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The T1D Index measures how many people live with the condition, the healthy years of life it takes from people living with type 1 diabetes (T1D), and what can be done to reduce its impact. Type 1 diabetes has never before been measured in this way or at this scale.
Type 1 Diabetes Around the World
8.7 millionpeople living with T1D around the world
3.9 million people who should be alive today
32 years of healthy life lost on average per person
Itโs time to change the story
We can take action to improve and save lives through four key interventions
Timely diagnosis
If we could promptly diagnose everyone affected by type 1 diabetes, 668,000 more people could be alive in 2040.
Insulin and strips
If everyone globally had access to insulin, test strips, and good self-management tools, 1.98 million more people could be alive in 2040.
Pumps and CGMs
If everyone globally had access to technology that automates glucose monitoring and insulin delivery, 673,000 more people could be alive in 2040.
Prevention and cures
By researching and investing in emerging treatments and cures, we could restore full length and quality of life to everyone who develops T1D.
Type 1 Diabetes is growing fast and can affect anyone
For every two people living with T1D we miss a third person, who should still be alive
It doesn't have to be this way. Using today's technology alone, we could save millions.
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